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 Chemistry is also known as physical science which means the study of structure, properties and also changes of matters. Chemistry is also known as the central science because it provides or makes other natural sciences such as physical, biology and geology and the only difference is between physics and chemistry is the composition of both these branches of sciences.The word chemistry obtained or comes from alchemy which means an earlier set of practices that obtained from astrology, astronomy and medicines. The word alchemy derived from an Arabic word al-kalmia. This word is obtained from and a Greek word Xenia and this word are derived from an other word kimi. This word Kimi is ancient name of Egypt.

 Definition of Chemistry 

Due to new discoveries and theories the definition of chemistry changes time to time. Robert Boyle in 1661 explains the subject of the material of mixed bodies and in 1663 Christopher Glaser used the chemistry as a scientific art.Geog Ernst Stahl used 1730 definition of the word chemistry. Jean Baptiste used the word chemistry to concerned with effects of molecular forces and laws of these forces. At last, in 194 the word chemistry was used as for the study of properties, functions and their structures.


 The history of chemistry is connected with the theory of four elements by Aristotle. These four elements was water, fire, earth and air and everything is formed by the combination of these elements. In the past back to 440 BC, work by many philosophers like Epicurus etc. In the famous book De rerum nature, a philosopher Roman explained the theory. After Muslim conquests the Arab world was used alchemy to developed and practiced. Abu al-Raynham and Al-Kundi was most famous Muslim scientist especially in theories of Transmutation of different metals. A famous Al-Tusi discovered conversion of mass.

Writer M Sulaiman


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