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60 Interesting Jobs Important MCQS 2021

60 Interesting Jobs Important 

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nts mcqs
1.Alloy of bronze : copper and Tin
2. Death of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH): 632AD
3. Compilation of Quran into book : Hazrat Abu bakar 
4. 8th Amendment in constitution: Zia-ul-Haq
5. First C-n-C: General mersery
6. Governer General of State bank of pakistan: Ashraf mehmood wathra
7. 2nd Governer General of Pakistan: Nazimun din
8. Daughter's of Muhammad (PBUH) : 4
9. Mycology is study of : Fungi
10. President of France: francios Holland
11. Heptagon: 7 sides
12. Surah without Bismillah: Surah Touba
13. President of Iran: hassan rohani
14. Current Unit: Ampere
15. USA foreign Secretary: John Kerry 68th Secretary of State of the United States.
16. Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the United Nations: Maliha Lodhi
17. Iraqi President: Fuad Masum
18. Light year is measured : distance
19. Simla deputation presented the memorial in front of viceroy Lord minto

20. 8th Hijri Fateh Makkah.
21. Scalene Triangle: No equal sides, No equal angles
22.Vitamin A: Night Vision
23.Carrot having: Vitamin A
26: Pakistan area: 796,095 km²
27. Egypt is situated in Africa
28. Suez Chanel : Connects red sea to Mediterranean
1909 reforms minto morely
29. First C-n-C-General mersery
30. Governor General of SBP-Ashraf mehmood wathra
31. 2nd Governor General of Pakistan-Nazimudin 
32. No. Of daughter's of SAW-4
33. President of Iraq-Faud Masum
34. US special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan is-James Dobbins. 
35. Franc’s President- François Hollande
36. Turkey’s President-Tayyip Erdoğan
37. Iran’s President- Hassan Rouhani
38. Unit of Current-Ampere 
39. Zunurain (having 2 noors who got married to the daughters of SAW)-Usman
40. Sound can’t travel through vacuum.
41. Chemical to electricity is-Battery 
42. Pak area-79695 km2 
43. Egypt in-Africa
44. Suez Canal Connects-Red Sea+Mediterranean sea
45. US States-50
46. 1st revelation took plance in-610 AD
47. Al-Aqsa mosque is in-Jaruselaeum 
48. Jogendra Nath Mandal was the member of constitution assembly in-1946
49. 1st Martial law took place in-7th Oct, 1958
50. Partitaion of Bengal annulled-1911
51. Luck now pact was between-Muslim+Congress
52. Freezing point of water is 0 degree 
53. Salt gets off though-distillation
54. 5,8, 11,? 14
55. Electrons revolve around-Nucleus
56. Pencil-Graphite 
57. Ozone protects-UV Rays
58. One unit was initiated on 22th Nov & established/took place on-14th Oct, 1955
59. Capital of USA (Washington DC)
60 Capital of morocco (Rabat)


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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. So while interview technique and briefing each party may well allow good recruiters to achieve a 65% or slightly higher mix and prediction ratio, I have rarely seen many get consistently better results.
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