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Facebook Job and Earn Money

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Make Daily Dollars by Facebook Social Network
Facebook Job and Earn Money
Today, I am sharing a best and easy way to get daily dollars by facebook. We know that how we can used facebook all features and we also shared daily post on facebook.  But today I will give you idea to make a facebook fan page and invite your all friend list friends to like. If your page get maximum 5 thousand like and daily 30 likes are obtaining on your one post then you are able to earn money . But, first of all ,I will teach you which how you get 5 thousand likes. For this, read below step by step and easy way,
Facebook Job and Earn Money

1.     Convert You Profile into Facebook Page
Go in Google search engine and search convert facebook profile into fan page.
2.     Convert Friends into likes
Many videos are available on Youtube about How we convert facebook friends into facebook page likes. So, I give you idea to search such videos on Youtube.
What we do after completing these tasks?
When you complete these steps then make a account on fiverr and then show your work.
Search on Google
First make a bid about facebook page and say audience
Give 5 dollar and promote your legal contents  of  buyer on your facebook fan page.
You will look after some days many interesting people will contact you for the promotion of their contents on your facebook Page and you will make daily dollars by this easy Process in free.
Fiverr is a free platform for earning daily dollars.
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